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DCE 5.0-20240430 Enterprise Released

This page explains the latest features, improvements and bug fixes, included in DCE 5.0-20240430 Enterprise. DCE 5.0 modularizes each product module, and the versions included in this release are the default versions in the DCE 5.0 installer. If you need to independently upgrade or replace each module, please contact Daocloud's support team to download the corresponding versions and upgrade. Please also refer to DCE 5.0 Enterprise Deployment Requirements.

Module Versions

Category Module Version Compatible K8s Version
Installation Installer v0.17.0 K8s 1.24 - 1.27
Kubean v0.13.11 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Workbench Workbench v0.26.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Container Container Management v0.27.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
MultiCloud Management v0.18.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Container Registry v0.17.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Network v0.14.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
HwameiStor v0.14.4 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Virtual Machine v0.8.0 K8s 1.18 - 1.27
Observability Insight v0.26.0 K8s 1.19 - 1.27
Microservices Microservice Engine v0.36.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Service Mesh v0.25.0 K8s 1.21 - 1.27
Middleware RabbitMQ v0.19.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MySQL v0.17.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
ElasticSearch v0.16.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Redis v0.17.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MinIO v0.14.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
PostgreSQL v0.11.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
MongoDB v0.9.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Kafka v0.14.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
RocketMQ v0.6.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Cloud Native AI Intelligent Engine v0.4.0 K8s 1.25 - 1.29
Edge Computing Cloud Edge Collaboration v0.10.1 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Management Global Management v0.26.0 K8s 1.23 - 1.27
Operations Management v0.6.2 K8s 1.23 - 1.27

New Features and Improvements

Detailed feature descriptions are reflected in the Release Notes of each version in the table above. Here are some brief descriptions of new features and improvements.

Installer v0.17.0

  • Improved Support disk limitations for Docker single container
  • Improved Support multiple architectures for Ubuntu ospkg and ISO

Workbench v0.26.0

  • Added Support management of integrated code repositories
  • Improved running status in workload list and resource type retrieval

Container Management v0.27.0

  • Added Support connecting to CloudTTY via SSH
  • Added Support entering running containers from the console

Kubean v0.13.11

  • Improved Support multiple architectures for Ubuntu osPackage

Network v0.14.0

  • Improved Allow setting ip addr hijack CIDR
  • Improved Support static IP for Kubevirt VM

HwameiStor v0.14.4

  • Improved Resolve LVR's unawareness of Pod affinity
  • Improved Added option to enable data validation during migration

Virtual Machine v0.8.0

  • Improved Performance optimization for virtual machine list
  • Fixed issue with using Bridge network mode for virtual machines

MultiCloud Management v0.18.0

  • Fixed issue where managed clusters could be accessed from multi-cloud instances hosted on other clusters

Container Registry v0.17.0

  • Improved prompt for deleting images in Docker/Jfrog type repositories
  • Improved image download counts


Insight Server v0.26.0

  • Added Built-in monitoring dashboard for Vector when using Vector for log transmission
  • Improved Support configuring multiple log upload addresses

Microservice Engine v0.36.1

  • Added Support custom gateway plugins
  • Improved prompt for gateway API testing when ClusterIP is unavailable

Service Mesh v0.25.0

  • Added Built-in mesh alert rules, observable internal alert configuration can be directly used
  • Fixed issue with incorrect display of topology nodes without permissions

Data Services (Middleware)

  • Added Support MySQL, Redis instance topology
  • Improved Added namespace quota prompt

Cloud-Native AI v0.4.0

  • Added Notebook supports local SSH access, compatible with various development tools such as Pycharm, VSCode, etc.
  • Added Upgrade Notebook image to support built-in CLI tools baizectl, command line task submission and management

Global Management v0.26.0

  • Added Report Management - Container Group report adds GPU statistics
  • Added Metering Billing - Container Group billing adds GPU billing
  • Added Support navigation menu display based on permissions

Edge Computing v0.10.1

  • Added Support workload upgrade strategy configuration
  • Added Support workload affinity configuration

Upgrade Considerations

  • Installer: Upgrading DCE 5.0 product components from a lower version to v0.16.0 will fail, it is recommended to upgrade to v0.16.1. If using v0.16.0, when upgrading, disable the Insight component in the mainfest.yaml
  • Container Management: When upgrading from Kpanda v0.21.x version to v0.22.0 and later versions, if the Global cluster uses Redis in sentinel mode, the upgrade requires changing --set global.db.redis.url
  • Global Management: When upgrading from v0.15.x (or lower versions) to v0.25.0 (or higher versions), the database connection Helm parameter format needs to be modified, refer to Offline Upgrade Global Management
  • Workbench: When upgrading from versions before amamba v0.21.0 to this version, GitOps applications may disappear. It is recommended not to upgrade to this version directly, but upgrade directly to versions after v0.22.0
  • Insight: Due to disruptive changes in Insight v0.25.0, when upgrading Insight Server to v0.25.x, the Insight Agent version also needs to be upgraded to v0.25.x
  • Redis Cache Service:
    • When upgrading from Redis v0.14.0 (or lower versions) to v0.16.0 and below versions, the iteration includes upgrading Redis Operator, which will cause Redis standalone, master-slave, and sentinel instances to restart during the upgrade
    • When upgrading from Redis v0.15.0 (or lower versions) to v0.16.0 and below versions, it includes upgrading Redis Operator (redis-ha-operator), which will cause Redis sentinel instances to restart during the upgrade



Global Management: Once the global management is upgraded to v0.26.0 or above, other modules must be upgraded to the corresponding versions, otherwise the interface cannot be accessed normally!

The versions supported by Global Management v0.26.0 are as follows:

  • Workbench v0.17.3 and above
  • Container Management v0.18.1 and above
  • MultiCloud Management v0.9.1 and above
  • Container Registry v0.8.0 and above
  • Insight v0.17.2 and above
  • Microservice Engine v0.22.0 and above
  • Service Mesh v0.16.2 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-RabbitMQ v0.11.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-MySQL v0.9.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-ElasticSearch v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-Redis v0.8.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-MinIO v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-Kafka v0.6.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-PostgreSQL v0.2.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-MongoDB v0.1.0 and above
  • Middleware mcamel-RocketMQ v0.2.0 and above

Known Issues

Known issues for installer v0.17.0, see Installation Troubleshooting.


